Adhere to certain rules in the diet is necessary not only to maintain good form, but also for health. However, do not always get them (the rules) to comply, the reasons and excuses there weight. Magic wand in this situation - a diet that helps you not only lose weight but also the discipline and "forward" in the right direction, our diet. But if strict diets are becoming the norm, may develop anorexia - an eating disorder that is characterized by a great loss in body weight due to the refusal of food. Patients with anorexia, but in recent years is mostly girls between 15 and 19 years of age and young women under 25, refuses to eat in fear of gain, in their opinion, the extra weight. At the same time a realistic assessment of their physical data, such patients are unable to - they are prisoners of a single moment does not let the fear of being "fat." What causes anorexia a permanent restriction in the diet as the strictest diet is provoked by many factors, from the overwhelming desire to be like a super-model from the catwalk to a variety of negative psychological moments in life (someone said that is thick, the problems with the opposite sex or in the family, when fasting is an effective means of exposure). Anorexia can lead to: the right not fasting, constant gastric lavage or induced vomiting after every meal, as well as excessive, uncontrollable and non-system physical activity. Patients with anorexia nervosa can be classified according to the type of behavior in two groups: • Those who do not eat much, but it still provokes vomiting, the so-called restrictive type of behavior; • those who eat a lot (eats), and then induce vomiting (may be abusing laxatives, enemas, and diuretics) - is the so-called cleansing type. Symptoms of patients with anorexia addition to the physical condition, patients with anorexia have a mental disorder, depression, frequent and excessive nervousness. The victim does not want to keep anorexia weight, which is most consistent with its growth and the age and constitution. There is constant fear better. Inability to objectively evaluate the available weight and to correlate it with growth factors and the constitution leads to the denial of the seriousness of physical and mental condition. In patients with anorexia women disturbed menstrual cycle, until amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). The signs of anorexia are: pale unhealthy skin, irritability, constant feeling of cold, muscle spasms and arrhythmia. Treatment for anorexia universal or absolutely effective drug that helps to cope with anorexia is not so difficult to cure the disease. At the slightest suspicion of an urgent need to contact the medical staff: nutritionist and a psychiatrist - the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of full recovery. In the treatment of anorexia, drugs are used as general purpose and special: antidepressants, tranquilizers, hormones. Antidepressants eliminate the symptoms of depression.Anorexic diet Tranquilizers can help overcome anxiety. Can be assigned to hormone therapy and, if anorexia provokes a state close to menopause. Estrogen is needed to replenish minerals in the bones to prevent cracking. Anorexia - a comprehensive complex disease, to combat which can take years. Among the psychological disorders in anorexia nervosa is the highest level of mortality. If the first symptoms, we must act without delay, without adequate medical care can not overcome the disease.
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