Monitor purgation (IOC) - newfangled procedure, according to rumors, which has a pronounced healing effect. The fact that it is, tell our article.
The essence of the monitor bowel cleansing
IOC or monitor colonic dialysis - a procedure carried out by using a special apparatus. Through the supply channel of the probe in the patient's colon pulse stream enters a special herbal composition, and a suction channel is the output of waste liquid, together with stool (everything happens in an isolated environment, so that unpleasant odors can be avoided). In the process of manipulation of intracolonic pressure is under strict control. The speed and pressure of the fluid inlet and outlet are selected individually, according to the physiological characteristics of the patient. The procedure usually causes no discomfort and can be easily transferred.
The volume of the unit procedure is 15 liters - 5 daily treatments are enough for a complete bowel cleansing. In difficult cases, the number increased to 10 and the procedure is carried out every 2-4 days.
What effect provides the IOC?
In addition to the purgation of the feces, bile, rocks and gases, the IOC also displays the body of toxic compounds. This procedure has a beneficial effect on patients with rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, autoimmune and skin diseases. IOC takes excess cholesterol and normalize blood sugar levels. After a full course of cleaning reduces congestion in the pelvis (often even the volume of the stomach becomes smaller), improves blood flow in the varicose veins, normal monthly cycle, disappear pain during menstruation.
Indications for bowel cleansing monitor
• Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, constipation, peptic ulcer disease, biliary dyskinesia, bile stasis)
• Autoimmune diseases
• Tendency to allergies
• Some diseases of the pelvic organs (cystitis, chronic adnexitis, prostatitis)
• Intoxication (medical, industrial, alcohol)
• Some skin diseases (eczema, acne, neurodermatitis)
• Overweight (as an adjunct)
• Helminthic infestation
• Preparation for medical examination
Contraindications to monitor bowel cleansing
• Surgery that is transferred in the past and affected the large intestine
• Cancer of the rectum
• Hemorrhoids (only in the acute stage)
• Pregnancy
When an exacerbation of hypertension and peptic ulcer disease, as well as after a heart attack and stroke conducting the procedure is allowed only in a hospital.
Monitor purgation is presented to the masses as a completely comfortable and safe procedure. Meanwhile, there are "pitfalls" and one of them can be considered a negative impact on the procedures for intestinal flora. Should I use the IOC or not - it's just you.
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