Upset stomach (diarrhea, diarrhea) - a pathological condition characterized by frequent loose stools. The development of this condition contributes to viral or bacterial infection, as well as food poisoning. Of great importance during the period of the disease has a well-chosen diet in disorders of the stomach - it makes it relatively quickly normalize the functioning of the digestive tract and stop diarrhea.
The main provisions of the diet
This diet is designed to reduce inflammation, putrefaction, fermentation processes and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Diet prescribed to reduce caloric intake by cutting the proportion of fat and simple carbohydrates (normal protein does not decrease caloric intake of 1800-1900 kcal). The power supply system built to protect the gastrointestinal tract from chemical, thermal and mechanical stimuli (food should be a comfortable temperature, normal texture and mild flavor). Subject to the exclusion of products that increase gastric acid secretion or causing fermentation in the gut. Recommended by fractional mode power supply (5-6 times per day).
The chemical composition of food:
• Fats - 60-70 g
• Protein - 70-80 g (60% should occur in proteins of animal origin)
• Carbohydrates - 250g (sugar - no more than 45 g)
• Table salt - 10 g
• Free liquids - up to 2 liters
Diet diet for indigestion
The basis of the diet are:
• Bread and thin, not fried crackers
• Soups on low meat or fish broth with the addition of minced meat, quenelles, egg flakes and meatballs
• Lean and sinewy meats and poultry
• Low-fat fish species
• Freshly prepared fresh curd or calcined
• Eggs boiled or in a bag (1-2 pcs. Per day)
• Pureed cereal with fat-free broth or water (rice, oats, buckwheat)
• Vegetable broth
• Jelly, jelly, pureed fresh apples
• Black and green tea, organic coffee and cocoa on the water
• Decoctions of the wild rose, blueberry, cherry, black currant and quince
• Fresh juice from the berries and fruit, diluted with water
• Fresh butter (limited)
To be deleted:
• Cooking fats
• Strong and thick broth
• Fatty meats
• Sausages and canned
• Solid and condensed milk
• Ice cream, cream
• Fatty types of fish and caviar
• Millet and barley and barley cereal
• Legumes, cabbage
• Fruits and berries fresh,
• Honey, jam and other sweets
• Soft and cold drinks
• Alcohol
Sample menu diet for indigestion
• First breakfast: mashed boiled rice, cooked in water, as well as freshly made cheese and tea
• Lunch: a decoction of dried blueberries
• Lunch: low-fat beef broth with the addition of semolina and steam balls, a portion of pureed oatmeal and jelly
• Afternoon snack: broth hips
• Dinner: Steam omelette and mashed buckwheat porridge and tea
• On the night: a decoction of rosehip jelly or
Do not forget that under the guise of indigestion may be hiding a far more serious problems. Before going on a diet, be sure to visit the doctor.
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