воскресенье, 8 июля 2012 г.

Diet for giardiasis

Giardiasis - a disease that affects the digestive organs. Cause of its parasitic protozoa - Giardia. Infection can occur from contact with a carrier of the disease, and from drinking dirty fruits or from swimming in open water. Diet for giardiasis deprives the parasite culture medium, and therefore contributes to the healing process.

Basic principles of diet for giardiasis

Giardia causes inflammation in the gut against which develops intolerance to gluten (the protein of rye, wheat or barley) and lactose deficiency symptoms appear. Gluten becomes a sticky substance that accumulates in the small intestine, and this in turn creates a breeding ground for giardia and other parasites. To avoid this, the patient is prescribed a gluten-free diet and lactose-free, lasting for 3-4 months.

Diet menu for giardiasis

During the period of exclusion diets or drastic limitation subject to the following foods and beverages:

• Sweets
• Whole milk (it is replaced with soy, and the children transferred to hydrolysates of cow's milk)
• Bread and pasta (they are replaced by products made from buckwheat, rice or corn flour, bran and bread)
• pies and sausages
• All grains, except rice, buckwheat and corn
• Products with any unnatural preservatives and flavor additives

The basis of the diet are:

• Acidic beverages (cranberry and cranberry juice, yogurt, juice, no sugar)
• Boiled lean meat
• Vegetable side dishes
• Salads with fresh vegetables and vinaigrettes, filled with sunflower oil

Important recommendations

It is not the only correct choice of products, but also the sequence of their use. Begin the meal with a liquid is, then you can go to the plant foods (fresh, or after heat treatment). After this supposed to eat another meal (this can either be allowed to eat porridge or boiled meat, but in no case both products at once). This approach allows the body to process and digest foods received, not the "overgrown" with the slag and the decay products.

It should be remembered that only a diet does not get rid of the parasites - in this issue may help a doctor. In combination with the treatment offered to your attention the diet quickly get rid of "invaders" and not give them a chance to return.

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