Inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases (arthritis, periarthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis), today it is not uncommon. As a result of the above problems the person actually becomes invalid. The treatment is used not only different drugs and ointments - crucial explicit change of diet. What is the diet in the treatment of joint, our article will tell.
Diet in inflammatory joint diseases
With the development of inflammatory processes in the body accumulates harmful products of metabolism. For their removal outside experts recommend eating a lot of liquid (if there is a tendency to edema, the doctor usually appoints diuretic drugs of natural origin - fruit drinks, herbal teas). The basis of the diet are:
• Fresh fruits and vegetables (with some exceptions)
• Protein foods (the preference for the rabbit, chicken and fish)
• Domestic Cheeses
• Fermented beverages and foods
Restrictions are imposed on the following products:
• Whole milk
• Tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and onions
• Spices.
• Acidic varieties of fruits and juices are
• The meat of large animals (beef, lamb, pork)
Diet in diseases of the joints dystrophic
This diet is aimed at reducing body weight by restricting intake of simple carbohydrates and fats. The basis of the diet are:
• Fruits and vegetables are fresh or cooked (baked, stewed, steamed)
• Greens (especially parsley)
• Meat, fish and lean poultry species (pork, beef and lamb can be eaten in moderation, and then only after consultation with the doctor)
• Dairy products
• Pine nuts and almonds
• Dried fruits
• Flakes
During the period of exacerbation of diet in diseases of the joints requires a complete rejection of meat, fish and poultry, as well as strong broth (meat, fish, mushroom). After the abatement of negative symptoms of the disease, these new products are introduced into the diet, but not more than 3 times per week (meat, fish and poultry consumed largely in boiled form). It is advisable every 2-3 days to arrange for unloading of plant or dairy products.
The amount of salt in diseases of the joints is reduced to a minimum. Prescribed by a physician is recommended to drink mineral water, fruit drinks, fruit drinks and teas. Experts suggest patients drink 250 ml of liquid before eating - the total amount of liquid reaches 2 or 3 liters a day.
Preparation of diet in the treatment of joints is to trust your doctor, who will take into account the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant diseases.
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