пятница, 6 июля 2012 г.

The simulator klaymbing

The simulator simulates the natural movements klaymbing man who climbs the ladder. In just one hour you can get rid of 1000 calories, strengthen your abdominal muscles, hips and buttocks, and to prevent cellulite. Today, these machines are available for a home gym, and still they can be found in any major Cardio Club. Should I "change" treadmill with klaymbingom?

The simulator klaymbing: advantages and disadvantages

In this machine a lot of advantages, especially for girls losing weight:
• Extremely high consumption of calories without jumping movements and percussion;
• The "ladder" can go even people with a BMI above 30, as the load on the joints sparing;
• Deleted the risk of falls due to convenient handrails;
• You can adjust the load so that the training will be effective for both the novice and professional athletes;
• The simulator loads not only the muscles of the front and back of the thigh, but the "stubborn" inner thigh muscles;
• Training in klaymbinge perfect "lifts" the gluteal muscles, making your rear elastic;
• During the walk are actively involved in the work of the transverse abdominal muscles, which depends on the tone of the waist;
• Is about 10-20 minutes to burn a significant amount of calories;
• The simulator allows you to significantly speed up your metabolism at rest. According to the company TopFit increased rate of metabolism persists for 10-12 hours, whereas after running all the "calm down" after 1-2 hours.

Disadvantages klaymbinga not so numerous:

• There is a risk of overtraining, if you work every day for over an hour in the same mode;
• The simulator takes a lot of space at home, build it itself does not work, you need to order a delivery, complete with professional services for the assembly;
• Do not train without the permission of your doctor if you have varicose veins, leg joint damage and chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system
Exercise for weight loss in klaymbinge

You should stick to the plan - two long-cardio, and 2 short interval training. For "long" training, you can choose obychnyystepper or track. If you decide to do all four classes in klaymbinge observe mode:

• The first training session - warm up 5 minutes on low speed for 30 minutes at a moderate speed, hitch-five minutes, stretching the legs and back;
• The second training session - warm up 5 minutes on low speed, then 1 minute at a very high speed, 4 minutes at a moderate pace, repeat 3 times, 3-4 minutes cooling down, stretching;
• Third-workout warm-up 5 minutes on low speed for 10 minutes with average speed, 5 minutes, reverse, backwards, 5 minutes cooling down, stretching;
• Fourth training - workout 5 minutes, then 3 minutes at high speed klaymbinge, 30 simple squats on the floor without complication, in 3 minutes Climber, 30 seconds in the rack position slats, 3 minutes in the simulator, 30 push-ups based on your toes or knees, depending on your form, and 10 minutes of peaceful walk in the simulator.

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