воскресенье, 15 июля 2012 г.

Dinner Anorexic diet devoured bisaka 4 tablets.

Just ask the fans to speak out about healthy weight loss, harm, addiction, etc. - pass by.

July 6th my daughter turned one. Holiday - holiday and hanging ice dams on a schedule ((
As a result, the weight of 50 kg ((. I would lose weight rapidly and harmful. And it is already fed up with tense relationship with food.
I want to lose weight to 40 kg, then maybe'll get later. Look at what weight will enjoy yourself more.
Diets do not adhere to any particular I will not, basically just do not eat.

Start of 50.7 kg (weighed just that. Think that 700 grams - is food and water today.)
The intermediate goal of 45.
The ultimate goal of 40.

Who knows the help, let lazhe harmful pohudalki write. Flu does not offer, I can not put up with a hedgehog in my throat, I'm better at ECA.
And who knows varelyanku write about. ATP advance.
Ready! Attention! Go!

Dinner Anorexic diet devoured bisaka 4 tablets.
Tomorrow plan to start with 150-200 grams of yogurt (2.5%) and the ECA. e - 15 - 1 cup of coffee. a - 1 tablet. Coffee, I do not like, but can not seem to buy caffeine = ((If anyone knows please analogues of caffeine. Can I replace the aspirin and caffeine - tsitromonom and if so, how much to drink?
From morning to run for need, anywhere t.ch walk in the morning at least 9 kilommetrov pass)))

When accomplish your goal the next time I do not know, my anonymous pohudalki her husband, so that konseratsiya =)

Good night, and a plumb line =)

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