понедельник, 9 июля 2012 г.

Diet for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis - it is a common disease that is characterized by lesions of the intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies, as well as the articular surfaces and ligaments. Correct diet is composed osteochondrosis plays an important role in the normalization of the patients and that of her tell our article.

The main provisions of the diet with osteochondrosis

In this disease to make sure that the diet remains complete and balanced. Patients should receive adequate amounts of energy and not experiencing shortages in key nutrients. Established the following rules:

• Protein - 80-90 g
• Fat: 80 grams (one - 30 g of vegetable oil and 50 g of animal fat)
• Carbohydrates - 300-400 g

Limitation shall be:

- Simple carbohydrates (sugars allowable rate - less than 30 g);
- Salt (its share was reduced to 3-4 g per day);
- Fluid (supposed to consume no more than 1 liter of fluid per day free).

Patients were advised to adhere to a fractional power (which means 5-6 meals). Items can be boiled, steamed, stewed. From the diet is to completely eliminate:

• Spicy and savory dishes
• Dishes with a high content of extractives
• Any strong brewed beverages (tea, coffee, cocoa)
• Alcohol

In the cold season is usually given vitamin and mineral complex. Energy value of the diet should not exceed 2500 - 2600 kcal.

Ration diets with osteochondrosis

The diet consists of the following dishes and products:

• Bread (white, rye, white and bran bread, cakes, biscuits)
• Vegetarian, dairy, fruit and cereal soups
• Soups on weak broth (fish, mushroom, beef, chicken) - 1 per week
• Dishes from lean meats, fish and birds (pre-cook them is to remove the extractives)
• Egg dishes (not more than 3 units per week)
• Dishes of vegetables (limit the types listed below are subject to plant food):

- Potatoes;
- Color and cabbage;
- Pumpkin;
- Zucchini;
- Tomatoes;
- Fresh and salted cucumbers;
- Onions and garlic;
- Parsley, dill and celery;
- Mushrooms (they can be used very rarely);
- Beans, peas and beans;
- Sorrel and spinach.

• Dishes from fruits and berries, and fruit juice (limit to be only the grapes and juice from it)
• Dishes from cereals
• Pasta
• Milk, as well as dishes and foods prepared with its participation
• Fat (as above normal, with the exception of high-melting fat)
• Sweets (sugar, honey, jam, jam, jam) - in a limited number
• Beverages (juice, mineral water, weakly brewed tea, cereal and coffee)
• Sauces (milk, vegetables, fruit, berries)
• Spices
• Dried fruits (apricots, prunes, raisins, rosehips)
• Almonds, walnuts
• Bran

Sample menu diet with osteochondrosis

• First breakfast: weak tea, as well as a portion of cottage cheese with sour cream and dried apricots
• Snack: fruit juice or fruit
• Lunch: thick vegetable soup, a slice of rye bread, and steam chicken patty, a couple of spoonfuls of porridge and broth hips
• Snack: yogurt and dry biscuits or fruit salad with yogurt
• Dinner: rice porridge, a slice of fish, salad, and weak tea

Before the diet, be sure to agree a menu with your doctor - he will make the necessary corrections and provide accurate recommendations.

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