воскресенье, 15 июля 2012 г.


Anorexia - a fairly common type of disturbances of appetite. The patient with anorexia constantly restricts calorie intake from food and beverages, believing that he is overweight, even in those cases where the objective is to estimate it too thin. At the same time people eat much less food than is recommended by doctors to maintain a normal life, often exhausting themselves playing sports and swallowing handfuls of medications such as laxatives and diuretics.

Anorexia is common in people of any age and gender, although men tend to hide their problems and deal with them alone. The bulk of patients with anorexia are young women aged 14 to 25 years. The risk groups include people in the family who have been cases of violations of appetite or mental disorders, persons with a history of serious life-shaking, and those who are under strong pressure from parents or society. Scientists have found a gene that controls appetite, probably associated with the development of anorexia. So, most likely, the disease is genetically determined, and the remaining factors are the trigger mechanisms that lead to the development of the violation.

These factors may include problems or major life stressors: parental divorce (or own), the death of a loved one, failure in school or work, a rupture of relations and others. Sometimes, anorexia develops as a result of a strict diet, when a person begins increasingly to limit myself, bringing the situation to the point of absurdity. At the same feeling of fullness does not pass, despite the rapidly declining weight.

There is evidence that anorexia is more common in women of a certain stock character and physique. This is often strong-willed, strong girls, leaders in the companies, which consist mainly of persons of the opposite sex. Often, they have the features adynamic and the male figure: broad shoulders, narrow hips. It is believed that the psychological factor in the development of anorexia is their unwillingness to puberty, the desire to remain a teenager.

In adulthood anorexia is the result of constant attempts to acquire the image of the business, strong-willed woman with a trim figure. For many, slender body shape is unnatural, so for her supporting women raped themselves for years, as a result of "earning" violation of appetite. Psychological causes of anorexia in middle age may be a divorce or loss of a spouse, children growing up and the resulting loneliness.

Patients with anorexia refuse to eat, often bringing yourself to the hungry fainting. They lose weight for as long as stocks lose all the fat and muscle tissue. But after that they continue to lose weight, because the stop is just can not. Even in a state of complete exhaustion, they seem to be a thick, so do everything possible to further reduce weight: play sports, ingest various drugs.

Externally, the patients look very thin, but continuous cold makes them wrap up in warm clothes.  Anorexic diet  leads to dizziness and fainting, lack of menstruation and fertility problems. In patients with disrupted digestive system, constipation, and there are pains in the stomach, is developing nutritional deficiencies.

Disturbances of appetite are psychological reasons, but because of their coercive power to cure useless. For the healing of the sick must work psychologists, consisting primarily to explain the man that he is ill and needs treatment. Without medical intervention, the disease can last a lifetime, leading to premature death.

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