пятница, 6 июля 2012 г.

Diet for psoriasis

Diskineziya characterized by a combination of certain intestinal disorders that occur as a result of disturbances in motor function of the intestine. Diet for psoriasis can organize the work of the digestive organs.

Key recommendations for diet dyskinesia

With this disease it is recommended to use the products, boiled in water or steamed. To normalize bowel motor function requires herbal products to stimulate emptying. It is worth remembering that certain fruits and vegetables can cause fermentation in the gut, that this disease is absolutely unacceptable - the range of products must be chosen with this in mind the comments (fermentation cause legumes, cabbage, etc.).

The diet includes vegetables: beets, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, squash, green leaf lettuce. Eat this food can be as raw, and after gentle heat treatment. Permissible to use bread from wheat flour (wheat or rye). Of the cereals preferably buckwheat, barley and oats. Porridge should be prepared in water and in the preparation of soups is permissible to use weak broth and vegetable broth. Fish and meat are low-fat varieties are also included in the diet of the diet - they can be boiled, baked, stewed, steamed. With good tolerance of a protein food is recommended to use the eggs, cooked soft-boiled. Patients on a regular basis is highly desirable to drink freshly made juices and dairy products, and include in the diet of vegetable oil, bran, dried fruits (figs, prunes, apricots, figs). Brings relief to cool food.

To be deleted:

• Turnips, radishes, garlic, onions, mushrooms, radishes and other vegetables that contain essential oils
• Bread of flour
• Sweets
• Fatty meats, poultry and fish
• Smoked, pickled vegetables, pickles, hot spices
• Tightly sealed coffee and tea

Limitation shall be:

• Semolina and rice cereal
• Pasta
• Potatoes

Sample menu diet for diskinezii

• First breakfast: fresh homemade cottage cheese and salad, seasoned with vegetable oil, as well as poorly brewed tea with milk
• Snack: Fruit Juice
• Lunch: vegetable soup assembly, a portion of steamed beets with a piece of boiled meat, and stewed fruit
• Snack: A decoction of the hips
• Dinner: vegetable stew with a piece of steamed fish and weak tea
• Shortly before sleep: a decoction of rose hips

In addition to the menu:

• Bran Finisher bread (150 g)
• Sugar - 25-30 g
• Vegetable oil - 10 g

Diet for psoriasis will smooth out the unpleasant symptoms of the disease (for accurate advice should consult your doctor).

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