среда, 11 июля 2012 г.

Cleansing the body of salt water

Cleansing the body with salt water does not require much time and effort, but it brings a definite result. About this procedure, we will tell you today.

The order of procedure of purification salt water

For the procedure is to provide the morning. Breakfast for a certain period of time will have to sacrifice - it can be started only after its completion. During the hour and a half to drink 2-2.5 liters of salt water. To prepare the solution is the right amount of warm boiled water to 40 ° C and dissolve in it the sea, Karlovy Vary, or ordinary table salt in a ratio of 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of fluid.

Regimen of salt water

First you need to drink a few glasses of water and wait until there is an urge to defecate. After that, you should continue to drink water. In between drinking is recommended to perform exercises suggested below (they are designed to facilitate the promotion of water in the intestines).

A set of exercises

A. In a standing position, lift your hands up and straightened them together above your head. Follow the slope to the right and left side.

Two. While standing, stretch your arms in front of him, and then touch the right hand of the left clavicle, and then do a left turn, placing his left arm back as far as possible. The same run in the opposite direction.

Three. Lying on his stomach, lean your forearms and toes on the floor (the distance between the feet - 30 cm). Sitting up on his hands, slowly turn your head and torso back (if you turn right, then you need to see the left heel and vice versa). Repeat the movement in the opposite direction.

4. Sitting on his haunches, knees, spread of 30 cm, putting his hands on them. Turn to the right, while leaving the left knee on the floor, and then move in the opposite direction.

Duration and frequency of procedures

Morning cleansing of the body with salt water should hold up as long as stool when the water comes out pure. Then you have to eat breakfast. In the morning meal makes sense to include unsalted lean cereal (preferably all - rice). Admissible and plant foods - fruits, berries and vegetables. Recommended to drink clean water without gas, or natural juices. Total costs to 3.5 procedures with an interval of 1-2 days.

The principle of the procedure

Salt water, falling into the intestines, pulling excess moisture, detaches and removes the harmful accumulation of all the toxins out and breakdown products.

Contraindications to the procedure

Purification procedure with salt water can not be held for the following diseases:

- Bowel cancer;
- Diarrhea;
- Colitis;
- A stomach ulcer;
- Appendicitis;
- Any disease of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

Even with excellent health prior to the implementation of cleaning should consult with your doctor.

The procedure for purifying salt water has a high popularity, but do not forget about its potential danger. Daily amount of water drunk within a short period of time, some people can cause significant problems.

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